How Seafair works

Start hiring now
Post a job in a snap

Seafair makes it easy to quickly hire for your vessel jobs. And unlike other agencies, Seafair gives you access to global talent

Get instant match with vetted seafarers

Candidates create digital CVs directly on Seafair. That means once you post, Seafair instantly matches you with active, qualified seafarers.

Get instant match with vetted seafarers
Review candidates at a glance

Reviewing candidates on Seafair is simple, gone are the days of going through weird resume formats. On our one-screen hiring dashboard, we rank candidates by best match for you.

Review candidates at a glance
Chat and confirm interviews, all in one place

Once you find a great fit, message seafarers directly via our integrated chat with the click of a button. Once a candidate confirms your interview, Seafair automatically provides email and SMS reminders to help reduce interview no-shows, saving you time.

Chat and confirm interviews, all in one place
Hire seafarers seamlessly

When you’re ready to hire, click to generate a contract, and we’ll manage the rest. We’ll make sure the seafarer gets prepared to embark the vessel in the desired port, and we’ll process their monthly salary payments in their country of origin.

Hire seafarers seamlessly